What better way to celebrate Halloween than by making Edible Halloween Treats for Kids WITH your kids?

Do your kids come home from school famished? Mine always did. Maybe one day this week you can bust out these three really simple ingredients and make this adorable treat with them instead of the usual treat you give them.
Taking less than 5 minutes to put together, this is such a fun and easy Halloween treat to make with your kids- plus, it will leave them thinking that you’re the coolest mom ever! Who wouldn’t want that?
Here’s what you’ll need to make this Halloween treat:
- Oreos
- Icing tubes
- Jr. Mints or brown m&m’s
Step 1:
Remove the top layer of Oreo- this is a perfect job to have the kiddos help you with!
Step 2:
Add a drop of icing onto the center of each oreo that has the white icing still attached.
Step 3:
Place Jr. Mint or brown M&M into the center of the icing.
Step 4:
Use red icing to make squiggly eyes resembling “bloodshot eyes”.
That’s it! Easy peasy, right? Are you going to make this adorable Halloween treat with your kiddos? I would love to hear how it goes in the comments!
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