Hi, I’m Candice from She’s Crafty. I’m super excited to be here at Design Dazzle today.
We are in full on summer mode in our house with laid back days of sleeping in, swimming, going to the movies, staying up late and other adventures. One of my goals for this summer (and every summer) is to make memories! I hope my kids remember their childhoods as full of fun and excitement. One way to do that is to give them somewhere to store all of the small treasures they are finding along the way, so we made summer treasure boxes

They are super simple and fun to make. Even my “too cool to do anything” almost teenager enjoyed making his box.
We started with plain paper mache boxes and a ton of stickers from the craft store.
I got out a bunch of acrylic paints from my stash and turned my kids loose on their boxes. My little guy painted his all black.
My girl took a more colorful approach with her box.
And my oldest designed his own box to match his stickers.
After the paint was dry, they got busy adorning their boxes with stickers.
I loved watching my littlest’s hands working the stickers.
They are pretty proud of their creations! (Again, my oldest was too cool to have his photo taken- boo to him becoming a teenager!!)
I can’t wait to see what they fill their boxes with.
I hope you all have a fantastic and fun summer filled with lots of adventures!
Thanks to Toni and her team for having me at Design Dazzle!!
Come visit me over at She’s Crafty
We are hosting Summer Camp Mon- Fri June 3rd to July 3rd (weekends will be for our regular posts). We are featuring awesome “Camp Counselors” (blogging friends) who have created super fun ideas and activities to help you SURVIVE summer with the kids. Click on the Summer Camp banner to be taken to our Summer Camp series.
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