Hi there! I’m Ginger from over at GingerSnapCrafts.com, & I am so excited to be here at Design Dazzle taking part in this awesome Summer Camp series! 🙂 I have 5 kiddos, so I am always looking for fun things to do with them! I’m enjoying seeing all the fun ideas that have been shared so far. Today I’d love to share a fun activity that we have done several times over the years ~ How to make bugs!

I’m pretty sure I first saw this idea in a Family Fun book that I had when my oldest was around 2. (He is now 16! Yikes!) Anyways, we made these for his bug birthday party that summer, & they were a hit. 🙂

You’ll need a few things to get started:
cardboard egg carton
craft paint
foam brushes
school glue
hole punch
googly eyes
pipe cleaners
construction paper
*You can actually buy brand new egg cartons at a feed store (like Tractor Supply). I don’t like to use used ones since my kids are always putting things in their mouths. Ewww!
You’ll cut the egg carton in pieces. You can do all different combinations. One spot for spiders & ladybugs, 2 spots for ants & longer ones for caterpillars & worms.
Then let your kiddos paint their “bugs” however they want.
Then you can use a hole punch to make spots for the antennas & legs. (This is probably an adult’s job!)
Then stick in your pipe cleaners. Curl them with a pencil if you’d like to!
Then add some googly eyes!
We made a “home” for our bugs with the top of the egg carton. We painted it green, & then added some construction paper grass. 🙂
Meet our bugs! Aren’t they cute??
Here are some more kid activities that you can find over on my blog!
Thanks so much for having me over!
I’d love to see you around!
I’d love to see you around!
We are hosting Summer Camp Mon- Fri June 3rd to July 3rd (weekends will be for our regular posts). We are featuring awesome “Camp Counselors” (blogging friends) who have created super fun ideas and activities to help you SURVIVE summer with the kids. Click on the Summer Camp banner to be taken to our Summer Camp series.
Ginger@gingersnapcrafts.com says
Thanks for having me over, Toni! ๐
Toni - Design Dazzle says
Ginger – These are SUPER CUTE!! Kids would love making these. Thanks for sharing!