Hi! I’m Kimbo from a girl and a glue gun. My kids. and summer. home. all day. They need some entertaining about 3 days in… (for their sanity and mine!)
But I don’t like things that will break the bank–So I’ve come up with 5 fun activities to do with paper plates!
1. Paper plate toss
You need a paper towel roll (or wrapping paper) We wrapped ours in duck tape. and hot glued to the middle of the plate! Then cut circles in the middle of other plates!
2. Paper plate race
You need to do nothing…just give each player two paper plates.
The objective is to get across the finish line…while only touching paper plates. step on one and put the other in front. Step on that and grab the one behind and put it back in front! It’s super fun and everyone has a different strategy- (placing it far apart or small quick steps!)
Here is quick video to show you how it’s played!
3. Paper plate tennis
Popsicle sticks hot glued on the back of plates…
and add a balloon
objective is to not let the balloon touch the ground!
4.Paper plate color and number
This could be played in multiple ways! I had 6 colors of plates…6 of each color. with 1-6 written on them. Then we spread on the lawn and rolled the dice (just a block we painted…but they have big foam ones at the dollar store!) and called out the color and number. first one to find it wins! It was a super fun race–and great exercise! If you have younger kids this would be awesome for learning numbers and colors!
5. Paper plate tic tac toe.
We literally just spray painted the grass—and tossed plates like Frisbee. (each person had a different color!)
and I wanted to show you this cute honorable mentions:
a toss game!
an abc scavenger hunt
and of course…you can turn those paper plates into fun crafts!
Thanks so much for having me! You can check out more of my fun kids crafts HERE
Like this fun water toss game
or this fun glitter goo!
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