These super cute gnome Valentine’s Day printable cards are perfect for anyone’s special Valentine.
The design dazzle WATERMARK is NOT on the printable set.

Gnome Valentine Set Includes:
- 4 pages of colorful Gnome Valentines
- High resolution printable .pdf digital file
- each page is 8.5″ x 11″ size
- printable instant download
- no physical product is shipped
- print on white cardstock
- non-editable
- watermarks are NOT on the printables
- when printing use “print to fit”
- Simply print then cut
No returns, exchanges, or cancellations.
This file is not to be used for commercial purposes. It is for personal use only. Do not copy, sell, or distribute digital file, or sell physical printed items. It is perfectly acceptable to print Valentines to give to others.
This listing is for digital files only so no physical items will be shipped.
If you do not receive your file via email, please check spam/promotional email folders before contacting me. Thank you.
Buy them here!
Ivory says
I adore these. So beautiful. Thank you so much. Happy 2021
Toni - Design Dazzle says
Thank you. I think they are quite adorable too!