On of our Christmas traditions are matching Christmas pajamas for the family. We receive them on Christmas Eve and wear them for pictures that night and of course in the morning. Christmasto me is all about family, togetherness and relaxation. I have to admit that Christmas mornings with young children in the house can be both exhilarating and exhausting! That’s one of the reasons I love to stay in my jammies as long as possible. But if I’m going to be in my jammies most of the morning, they need to look cute. And if there are going to be lots of pictures being taken (and there usually are!) then it would be extra cute if we matched. What says togetherness more than matching? So this year I set out to find the cutest collections. Today we will be featuring the cutest Christmas pajamas we could find starting with these 10 Christmas Pajama Ideas for the whole family. Check back later for Christmas pajama ideas for baby’s first Christmas, infants and kids!
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So cute! Even matching pajamas for the dog!
Red and Green Holiday Stripe Matching Family Christmas Pajamas
SleepytimePjs Christmas Ornaments Family Matching Pajamas
I love that you can get your name embroidered on these pajamas!
Classic Stewart Plaid Matching Family Christmas Pajamas
I’m not sure I would want to wrestle a cat into pajamas but these look wonderfully comfy.
Let it Snow, Man! Matching Family Christmas Pajamas
Polar Bear I Need a Snowday Blue Clothing Set; Choose Adult or Kids
Family of Elves Matching Cotton Clothing Sets; Choose Adult or Kids
A Very Merry Christmas Snowman Long Sleeve Clothing Set; Choose Kids or Adult
Aw!! Love your family! What a great motto!
Penguin Cotton Christmas Clothing; Choose Adult or Kids Set for Family Matching
Santa’s Elf Coordinating Family Clothing Set; Choose Adult, Kid, or Dog
Happy Holidays 2014 Red and Black Long Sleeve Clothing Set; Choose Adult or Kids
Again with the “love your family”! Love it!
Christmas Trees Cotton Clothing Set; Choose Kids or Adult for Family Matching
Christmas Peanut’s Pajamas for your family are perfect for the Charlie Brown fans!
Flannel Charlie Brown Matching Christmas Pajamas for the Whole Family
Here is a post where I share a picture of me and my girls wearing matching Christmas pajamas and even more ideas for family jammies.
Giving your family Christmas PJ’s *before* Christmas is the way to do it. This fun printable placed on a package makes it appear that it’s been sent from Santa Claus – complete with cancelled postage and an elf stamp to boot! This would be the perfect Christmas Eve box filled with jammies!
Can’t wait that long? Take a look at our Christmas Wonderful archives.
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