I had many emails on my fairy birthday party that I posted (see here and here). There are tons of fairy lovers out there so I thought I’d share some more ideas and inspiration for fairy parties.
Fairy welcome sign and flower fairy mats (see below) painted by my dear friend, Lauri. These flower mats were painted on heavy canvas fabric; primed first and then painted and cut out into shapes (they’re about 2 feet wide). Little fairies sat on these during story time (when I had my party business). Flower mats were always a hit with the guests and the moms – they loved them!
How To Make Fairy Crowns:
Instructions, photos and fabulous ideas from Little Window Shoppe.
- Cut the wire to the desired head circumference and twist together the ends to make a circle. If you have to thin of wire just double up on it.
- Next, wrap the wire in green floral tape.
- When you wrap the tape around the second time add in the flowers and leaves. These flowers I just picked up in the dollar bin at Wal-mart.
- Weave Flowers around the entire circle.
- Add your favorite ribbon. I took purple, pink and silver ribbon and used a yard of it for each headpiece.
- Finally, tie your ribbon in a loop knot to attach it to the crown.
Darling table and flower balloon decor – image from here.
Isn’t this “Tu-Tu” cute? It’s a tutu party for a 2 year old. Mom made the tutu’s in shades of yellow and pink as the favors; they’re over-the-top gorgeous and would be perfect for a fairy party!
Party inspiration board from Tastefully Entertaining
Lindsay from Cuegly created this sweet, DIY no-sew tutu and she’s provided instructions! Tutu’s would be easy to make for the birthday girl. If your up to it, make tutus for all the little fairy guests.
4 yards TULLE
Ribbon or you can use an elastic waist band
For complete step-by-step instructions, visit Cuegly.
Alliban says
So cute. I was thinking it would be fun to do for a teen party too. Emee would love a tu tu.
Kasey Hunt says
What a fun party idea. Such beautiful things.
Gabrielle Valentine says
I love this! I had JUST purchased a beautiful handmade tutu for my daughter, to get her pitures taken prior to the housefire. It was completely ruined, of course. I think I'll go get some tule and make one myself now. I love this post, & the party decorations!
Gabrielle Valentine says
I love this! I had JUST purchased a beautiful handmade tutu for my daughter, to get her pitures taken prior to the housefire. It was completely ruined, of course. I think I'll go get some tule and make one myself now. I love this post, & the party decorations!
smileybella says
What a stunning idea to have a cupcake fairy "tree"!
smileybella says
What a stunning idea to have a cupcake fairy “tree”!