Ever have a sick kid that needs to do the throw-up thing? I have many times. My daughter wasn’t feeling well last week and I got her the typical mixing bowl from the kitchen. I thought to myself there has got to be a better way to do this. Aha! I came up with one of those – it would be great if there were Barf Bowls for kids! Personalize the bowls for a much cuter bowl. These bowls would be ideal to store under the kids bathroom sink. When kids are sick it would be nice to have something bright and colorful to help make their misery a little bit easier!
You can’t get any easier to decorate these bowls! Using the Sharpie pens are super easy!!
How-to STEPS:
Plastic bowls – these came from the dollar store
Sharpie Oil-Based Medium Point Paint Markers
This would be a fun activity for your kids to decorate their own bowls or ask them what they want on the bowls and decorate for them.
Make sure to cover your work space these Sharpies will have a hard time coming off a surface you don’t want it on.
Hopefully your littles won’t have to use these too often! But if they do maybe it will help brighten a not very good moment!
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