Out shopping with the hubs the other day and we went into a vintage/antique store. I found this valentine from possible the 40’s?? I’m not sure of the make/model of the car which would probably help me in determining ‘somewhat’ the age this card is. This adorable vintage car valentine – You Auto Be My Valentine also says,
Whenever there’s a BLOWOUT
And things look very FLAT
We can always PATCH IT UP
Cause CUPID tends to that
Cute wording! So this is the valentine my handsome hubs is getting. He’ll appreciate it due to the car, the lovebirds and it’s vintage. He collects vintage things. The back of the card says To: Marjorie From: Ruby
Hopefully someone in your life will appreciate this free printable!
Here is the valentine I printed. Just print on cardstock. The valentine car prints out on an 8 ยฝ″ x 11″ or you can print out two on an 8 ยฝ″ x 11″ . Chocolates added to the valentine always makes it better! I hope you like this Vintage Car Valentine – You Auto Be My Valentine!
The “You AUTO be my Valentine” printable is FREE and available for immediate download by subscribing to Design Dazzle!
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