Have you ever played The MOST FUN PARTY GAME EVER? It’s the plastic wrap ball game. We had a blast playing this game. My adult kiddos (who we try to find fun activities to do with them) especially enjoyed this game. So if you need something for teens/adults and, of course, kids this is THE GAME! To simply explain, you wrap prizes in layers and layer of plastic wrap (Saran Wrap). As the ball is unwrapped, the prizes fall out and the player gets to keep those prizes they have unwrapped.
This game has many different names, cellophane wrap game, Christmas ball wrap game, plastic wrap money ball, etc.
If you are needing a fun party game for your next gathering, this is it! I’m sharing with you how to make the plastic wrap ball and the rules on how to play the game.
Be prepared for lots of loud talking, yelling, and laughter. It’s a hoot!
I have a short video of some of our kids and their spouses playing this game at Christmas.
How to play the game
For this fun party game, players can sit around a table or on the floor in a circle. I think it’s easier to play sitting on the floor.
One person starts and unwraps the ball (filled with goodies/prizes) of plastic wrap as quickly as possible.
Any prizes that fall out during their turn they get to keep.
While the player is unwrapping the bundle, the player on their left rolls the dice. When they roll doubles it is now their turn to unwrap the bundle. They quickly grab the bundle and the next player grabs the dice and tries to roll doubles.
Keep unwrapping the ball as quickly as possible the entire time while the person on their left is rolling the dice.
The bundle keeps getting passed around the circle until there is no more bundle. Everyone keeps the prizes they unwrapped.
The games ends when the last prize is unwrapped.
- A roll of plastic wrap, Saran Wrap, Cling Wrap etc. You might need two rolls if making larger balls.
- Dice. I purchased large foam dice at the dollar store. They were so easy to read as a group. So much easier than regular small dice. The larger dice the whole group can see.
- Goodies/prizes (see below)
Prizes to include inside the plastic wrap ball
- candy
- gift cards – Target, iTunes, Taco Bell, Dominoes
- lipgloss/chapstick
- holiday hats
- jerkey
- mini Abba-Zabas
- Chocolate bars
- grow animals (dollar store)
- whoopee cushion (dollar store)
- playing cards
- bath and body items
- socks
- cash
A lot of the “prizes” in this game came from the dollar store. There are some great dollar store gag gifts. Or even throw in some white elephant gifts.
I started out with a $20 bill on top of a Cracker Jack box. So the “ball” took on the rectangle shape. LOL! It depends on what you are wrapping if it turns out more round like a ball or more like a bundle/rectangle. Either way it works.
Although that looks like a pack of hot sauce, it really is a Taco Bell gift card with the image of a hot sauce packet.
How To Wrap the Plastic Wrap Ball
- Place the best prize at the start (which will end up being the middle of the ball). Wrap the plastic wrap around your main prize item and wrap and wrap.
- Cut the plastic wrap into long pieces and short pieces. Keep adding prizes in-between the layers.
- Alternate directions of the plastic wrap when making the bundle which will help make the bundle harder too unwrap.
- Try to break up the prizes by adding long and short piece of plastic wrap.
- Smaller prizes like pieces of candy – add a handful so maybe one person can get more than one candy.
What was my main prize?
I put a $20 bill on top of Cracker Jacks as the main prize. You can go as little or as high as you want. I spent about $100 on this game with the gift cards, cash, gag gifts, etc. Of course, it is all up to you on what you spend.
How long does it take to play this game?
It depends on the size of the ball! I estimate 10-30 minutes depending on many factors. If you use small strips of plastic wrap and alternate directions, it takes longer to unwrap. If your ball is the size of a basketball, that will take longer than one the size of a large grapefruit.
Make Your Own Rules
You can make up your own rules also. What about any player that rolls snake eyes then the plastic wrap ball gets passed in the opposite direction. Come up with your rules and create an even more FUN party game!
Let me know if you’ve played this game before. Do you have any game variations?
Enjoy a great time and a fun party game with family and friends!
Michelle Bagby says
Thanks for this! Have heard of this game but you made it happen for me.
Needed something for a group of young adults and this will be perfect!
It was amazing what I had about the house (plus left over candy!)
I put in a 5 $ Starbucks card. and the rest was relatively free.
It should be a hoot, will keep you posted, this might be a new tradition!
evelyn says
We’ve had this game for a while and really enjoy it. This is a fantastic “beginning” game.
Toni - Design Dazzle says
Yes, it is great for all ages!
Cherry Goudeau says
We played this game at Christmas, our granddaughter brought for the family to play. and believe me everyone got in on the excitement,. They still talk about this game every year and almost demand that it is played.
Toni - Design Dazzle says
It really is a fun game! That’s funny about their demands for the game! I totally understand ; )
Kinitopet.Org says
This sounds like such a fun and creative game! I love how it combines excitement and suspense. Can’t wait to try it at our next family gathering! Thanks for sharing this awesome idea!
Toni Roberts says
Happy to help! You can’t make it even harder with the participants wearing an oven mitt! It makes it a bit harder to take the plastic wrap off. Enjoy!