Last year we released these darling North Pole Special Delivery labels, which are perfect for attaching to any package to look as if it’s just been delivered from the North Pole. Both parents and grandparents would have so much fun with this idea! This cute label placed on a package makes it look as if the package has been sent from Santa Claus himself.
Do you have a special gift you would like to give your child or grandchild *before* Christmas (and from Santa)? This fun printable placed on a package makes it appear that it’s been sent from Santa Claus – complete with cancelled postage and an elf stamp to boot!
How it works…
Put together a special gift you would like your kids to receive before Christmas , print out the label and attach to the package. Have a neighbor place the package at the front door, ring the doorbell and run and hide (they need to be quick)! The magic happens when your kids go to the door and see a package addressed to them from Santa himself! Imagine their surprise!!!
TIP: Now you know Santa gets a lot of credit for Christmas. Personally I would tell my kids or grandkids that I have an “in” with Santa and he is going to deliver something special that you’ve picked out (items you wanted your kids to have before Christmas). This isn’t about getting more gifts. It’s about a special tradition that your family does and getting those items to your home a very FUN and unique way!
Is one of your family traditions to wear Christmas jammies? This is a great way to get them delivered to your family. Whether it’s a couple of weeks before Christmas (so they have time to wear their Christmas pj’s) or on Christmas Eve. Receiving them from the North Pole is surely magical!
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Items to place inside the package…
- Some of our favorite ideas to wrap up and adorn with this printable label include: Christmas pajamas, an Elf on the Shelf, a special Christmas book, North Pole Snow, hot cocoa mix, or Christmas ornaments. .
- a Christmas book – a book you would like to read to your kids throughout the Christmas season
- pajama’s – we always got our Christmas PJ’s on Christmas eve. I like the idea of getting them sooner and wearing them all through December.
- an elf! What would happen if Santa’s elf came to stay at your home for a visit? The Elf on the Shelf
- cookie mix (for an afternoon of baking cookies)
- hot cocoa mix (check back soon for an awesome North Pole hot cocoa label)
- Polar Express Bell
– for those who believe!
- Christmas ornaments – can you imagine how special these ornaments will be to your kids knowing they came from Santa or his elves?
- Christmas craft kit
– spend time with your kids making Christmas crafts
- tickets to a Christmas play or performance
Extra fun…
- Attach a big bow to the package to make it look extra special!
- I love the “put the package in the freezer for an hour or so” to make it seem like the package came directly from the North Pole.
This year we’re offering this beautiful label in both white and a NEW brown kraft paper design!
The file includes 1 8.5×11 White North Pole Special Delivery Label.
If you would like to purchase this Printable Set 2 that is on sale for $15.99, this set includes the white North Pole label and ALL that is shown in the image above! If all these printables were purchased separately it would be $35!! So many fun projects to make – several varieties of tags for gifts, Mistletoe Cider, Santa Sacks, iron-on t-shirts, and Christmas in a Can and more.
Please note that your download links will be available for 72 hours after purchase. Once saved to your computer, you can use the file as many times as needed.
Please note that your download links will be available for 72 hours after purchase. Once saved to your computer, you can use the file as many times as needed.
The file includes 1 8.5×11 Brown Kraft North Pole Special Delivery Label.
If you would like to purchase this Printable Set 1 that is on sale for $15.99, this set includes the brown kraft North Pole label and ALL that is shown in the image above! If all these printables were purchased separately it would be $35!!
Please note that your download links will be available for 72 hours after purchase. Once saved to your computer, you can use the file as many times as needed.
If you do not receive an email immediately after purchasing, PLEASE check your spam email folder before contacting us for assistance.
Kimberly says
Hi! If it’s designed to be printed on whatever paper we want, why do we get a white or brown option?
Toni - Design Dazzle says
Yes, you can print on whatever paper you choose. I personally would print on white quality paper. But if you want the label to be white purchase the white label. If you want the brown label choose the brown label.
Some want to put the white lable on white paper box and some want the brown label on a brown shipping box. Just preferance.
Kimberly says
I meant is the background brown, like if I printed it on white paper it would be brown?
Toni R says
Yes, the brown label prints brown even on white paper. The white label prints white. You do not need colored paper. Just white cardstock.