I can never get enough Halloween costume ideas at this time of year. I love everyones creativity! How about this amazing Mary Poppins costume from Make it and Love it.

Remaking a sweater into a Halloween Sock Monkey costume by Gros Grain Fabulous is…well, fabulous!!

Here is the before picture of the sweater.
Flower Gnome and boys Garden Gnome costume
Make a costume together. Mom and son created this amazing train costume
Anonymous says
These are so adorable! Thank you for sharing.
Harri Davison says
Oh my gosh, the dog costume is amazing! x
Carla says
OMG I had to LOL when I got to Yoda. TOO CUTE!
DesignDazzle.blogspot.com says
Thanks! I agree these costumes are adorable.
DesignDazzle.blogspot.com says
I know too funny right? Thanks for checking out the post!
DesignDazzle.blogspot.com says
I know I love it! That dog makes a cute Yoda!
dinosaur costume says
Thank you for these amazing Halloween costume ideas. I starting to actually run out of good ones, thank you for your input in the matter. Really hard to find one these days.