50 Christmas Activities for Family Fun! Create meaningful family traditions at Christmas time. Whether it is about baby Jesus, an activity, craft, music, food or serving others, I’ve featured 50 Christmas ideas for family fun during the holiday season. Darling gingerbread nativity by KatherineMaries via here.

You may have already seen our 100 activities for Advent calendar countdown. There are 100 activities to print out for more Christmas fun. So between this post and the Advent post there are tons of ideas to check out. Pick and choose what works for you and your family. Enjoy…
Not really musical? Kids and adults can play music with handheld pipe chimes. Trust me – this is a very simple and FUN way to create Christmas music! Kids as young as 2 or 3 can help join the music making. Check out this Etsy site or another version percussion chimes
Wordle is a simple and easy activity to do with your family. This took me 5 minutes to create. Have family members write down 3-5 favorite words to describe Christmas. Maybe give it a theme – what they’re thankful for, favorite activities, Christmas memories, etc. The Wordle website creates “word art” using words you provide. Go to the website and type the words your family has chosen – choose colors and fonts. Print out and frame as a remembrance of your family’s 2011 Christmas. Do one for each year.
The Last Straw in the Manger Story. Image from here via here.7.
Enjoy a Bethlehem dinner with your kids. Eat foods from the time of Christ i.e. grapes, chicken, fish, nuts, olives, raisins, etc. Can fish sticks or chicken nuggets pass as “regular fish and chicken”. Grape juice is usually a hit with kids. Place dry foods in brown lunch sacks rolled down to look like bowls.
Free printable Christmas Train Paper Craft. Print out on paper and enjoy putting together.10.
Make miniature Elf food for the Elves.
Make a Christmas Banana Split by using red/green fruits or candies.12.
How about making a darling snowman ice cream sundae?
The White Envelope is wonderful family tradition of serving others. Start your own tradition.
The perfect family activity – kids Christmas nativity set
Simple and quick project to make with kids. These ornaments are sold at craft stores for inexpensive.22.
Cute idea – fun game for little ones. Counting and colors using m&m’s.
Make reindeer grain. Sprinkle this outside on Christmas Eve night (darling poem on the back).
Kids Christmas tree made of felt or glitter foam.
500 Foam Christmas Stickers
J is for Jesus candy cane poem.
Make your own paint pages. Have the kids paint their favorite Christmas scene.
Make a Christ book to share this Christmas season.
Make simple holiday shirts.
Share the story of the gifts of the Magi with real Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. From the NY Metropolitan Museum of Art
Create a Christmas Scavenger Hunt
. Or how about creating your own service-oriented scavenger hunt with clues, treasure map, etc.? Have each clue read as a service to someone else i.e. make your sisters bed, bake cookies for friends, sing a Christmas song to the neighbors. Once the service is completed they get their next clue. Some acts of service might take a few minutes and some a bit longer in time.
Many ideas to celebrate Christmas Around the World43.
Rudolph noses made of raspberries and chocolate chips. Cute idea for breakfast or snacks to eat.46.
Make a family hand print Christmas tree.
For those who don’t get to play in the snow, have an indoor snowball fight using crumpled up newspaper, tissue, etc (recycle). After the snowball fight, make a snowman with crumpled paper and plastic trash bags.
Make a melting snowman cookie.50.
Family game night. Transform a family member into a Christmas tree or other fun and silly games.
Tonia says
If more families took time together with at least 2 of the options that you have present. I hope that you have a fabulous weekend.
birthday party ideas says
woooww…cnt stop myself thinking about these ideas…I am surely gonna implement some of these….
Tricia @ SweeterThanSweets says
So many great ideas. We have the Little People nativity set and our daughter loves it! Thanks for sharing your finds.
LeighAnn says
Thank you for this! I looked several of them up and I pinned the dice game.
DesignDazzle.blogspot.com says
Thanks everyone for all of your kind comments. This was definitely a time consuming post.I'm so happy some of these ideas will be used.
I agree Tonia! If more families took time to be together and have fun, it would be Christmas Wonderful!
LeighAnn, I just followed you on Pinterest. Thanks for pinning ๐