My husband is a major goofball, it’s just one of the many reasons why I love him! We love to play jokes on each other and April Fool’s is the perfect time for that. These 10 April Fool’s prank ideas are absolutely hilarious and would be even better if you played them on your spouse or significant other!
1. Donut Veggie Box from Design Dazzle- what a hilarious joke to play on your husband!
2. Send him off to work with a loving little pat on the bum, and make sure to leave a fun sticker or note attached without him knowing. It could be something like “I have no clue this is here. Applaud every time you see me” or something random and silly that will have him wondering what’s going on. Idea from Somewhat Simple.
3. Car Switch. Find your spouses vehicle at work and move it to another spot. Or, if he/she has keys to your car, switch out his for yours and park it in another stall. Idea from Somewhat Simple.
Computer Tricks: Photo from Deal News
4. You can move all of your spouses folder from their desktop into the trash. They will be so confused when they open up their computer! Just be sure not to empty the trash :).
5. In Microsoft Word on their laptop, use the Autocorrect feature to “correct” a commonly used word such as “the” by automatically inserting “April Fools’!” Idea found on Somewhat Simple.
Phone Madness: Picture from Wise Geek
6. Ask to see their phone phone because you’re thinking of getting that exact model. Then, quickly do several things: 1) Set an alarm for 3 a.m. and 2) change the language to Estonian. Then hand the phone back.
7. Phone a friend and tell them you’re a doctor, and you’re very, very sorry, but you did everything you could to save their … then pretend that the connection dropped out. Wait a couple beats, then give your deepest condolences. Then hang up. (Call from a number they won’t recognize, of course.) Idea from Deal News.
8. Change his ringtone to something totally lame or obnoxious or promiscuous and call him while he is at work. OR…Set random alerts/messages to go off all day. Idea from Somewhat Simple.
9. If your kitchen sink has one of those sprinkler hoses, wrap tape or a rubber band around the trigger, so it’s held down. When someone goes to get a glass of water, they’ll … open the fridge and grab the Brita pitcher. But, when they go to wash that dirty glass: POW! Idea and picture from Deal News.
10. Take a piece of wax paper and a bottle of fingernail polish that you don’t mind ruining. Spill out contents onto paper, let dry, peel paper off, and leave on victim’s clothing or an important document. You may want to do this one a week in advance. It takes quite a while for the polish to dry. I’d recommend using quick-dry nail polish and a hairdryer. If your “spill” doesn’t peel off the wax paper very well, just cut around it as close to the edges as possible. Idea and picture from Lady Create-a-lot
11. Take some fake hair and some scissors then cut a piece of fake hair out of your wife’s hair. She may not talk to you for a month afterwards but it would be a good laugh for a long time! Idea from Mashable.
12. Write a “Honk and wave” sign on your wife or husbands bumper! This would be especially funny if your significant other is more of a shy person. Idea from Mashable.
13. Send a wrong number text. Maybe your results will go better than this persons! Either way, I am sure it will create a really good laugh!
14. Super glue a pen cap shut, ask him to open for you. Added points if you can switch a non-pranked pen in, twist it off, and say “Never mind.” How hilarious would this be? Idea from Your Tango.
15. Make chocolate-covered cotton balls. I know there are a lot of fun food-related April Fool’s jokes out there (toothpaste filled oreos anyone?), but this one just happens to be my favorite. There’s just something belly-achin’ funny about watching someone bite into what they think is the most delectable chocolate, only to have cotton stringing from their teeth. Can you tell I had fun with this one in college as well )? I have still yet to try caramel-covered onions. Idea from Mothers Niche.
Some of these had me laugh so hard! Which one are you dying to try?
If you liked this post, be sure to check out my 15 April Fool’s Day Pranks For Teachers post!
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